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i've had just about enough!

  • 1 just

    I adjective
    1) (right and fair: not favouring one more than another: a fair and just decision.) justo
    2) (reasonable; based on one's rights: He certainly has a just claim to the money.) justo
    3) (deserved: He got his just reward when he crashed the stolen car and broke his leg.) merecido
    - justness II adverb
    1) ((often with as) exactly or precisely: This penknife is just what I needed; He was behaving just as if nothing had happened; The house was just as I'd remembered it.) justamente
    2) ((with as) quite: This dress is just as nice as that one.) exactamente
    3) (very lately or recently: He has just gone out of the house.) agora mesmo
    4) (on the point of; in the process of: She is just coming through the door.) mesmo agora
    5) (at the particular moment: The telephone rang just as I was leaving.) mesmo
    6) ((often with only) barely: We have only just enough milk to last till Friday; I just managed to escape; You came just in time.) à justa
    7) (only; merely: They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen; `Where are you going?' `Just to the post office'; Could you wait just a minute?)
    8) (used for emphasis, eg with commands: Just look at that mess!; That just isn't true!; I just don't know what to do.) absolutamente
    9) (absolutely: The weather is just marvellous.) mesmo
    - just now
    - just then
    * * *
    [dʒ∧st] adj 1 justo, imparcial equitativo. 2 probo, íntegro. 3 justificável, razoável, merecido. 4 legal, lícito, legítimo. 5 adequado, oportuno. 6 correto, exato. 7 verdadeiro, verídico. • adv 1 exatamente, perfeitamente. it is just three o’clock / são exatamente três horas. that’s just it! / exatamente assim! I just knew it / eu o sabia exatamente. this hat is just you / este chapéu é parecido com você, é a sua cara. 2 quase, agora mesmo. 3 há pouco, daqui a pouco. he’s just gone / ele acaba de sair. 4 por mínima margem, por pouco. 5 somente, meramente. just let me pass! / deixem-me ainda (ou apenas) passar! just tell me / diga-me apenas. 6 coll positivamente, realmente. I just won’t do it / de forma nenhuma vou fazê-lo. it was just marvellous! / era realmente magnífico! 7 no mesmo momento. just as he came / no momento em que chegou. just as I had left, it began to rain / mal tinha saído, começou a chover. a just distinction uma justa distinção. I was just sure at it senti absoluta certeza. just about a) quase. b) quase não. just a moment! um momento, por favor! just beyond mais adiante. just in case no caso de, na hipótese de. just now agora mesmo. just so! certamente! just then naquele momento. just the same apesar disso, todavia. just two hours apenas ou exatamente duas horas. that is just as well coll isto é a mesmíssima coisa.
    [dʒ∧st] n, vi = link=joust joust.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > just

  • 2 about

    1. preposition
    (on the subject of: We talked about our plans; What's the book about?) sobre
    2. preposition, adverb
    1) ((sometimes round about) near (in place, time, size etc): about five miles away; (round) about six o'clock; just about big enough.) cerca de
    2) (in different directions; here and there: The children ran about (the garden).) por+art.
    3) (in or on some part (of a place etc): You'll find him somewhere about (the office).) por (aí)
    4) (around or surrounding: She wore a coat about her shoulders; He lay with his clothes scattered about.) em torno de
    3. adverb
    ((in military commands etc) in the opposite direction: About turn!) volver!
    * * *
    [əb'aut] adv 1 quase, aproximadamente, cerca de. I am about ready / estou quase pronto. it is about your size / é quase do seu tamanho. we walked about forty miles / caminhamos cerca de quarenta milhas. 2 em redor, em volta, por todos os lados. the fields about Cambridge / os campos ao redor de Cambridge. all the children were about their sick father / todas as crianças ficaram em redor de seu pai doente. 3 aqui e ali, para cá e para lá. they were walking about / eles estavam andando de lá para cá. 4 em direção contrária, em sentido oposto. the ship turned about and left / o navio mudou de rumo e partiu. • prep 1 acerca de, a respeito de, sobre, relativo a. his opinion about this topic is... / a sua opinião acerca deste assunto é... what is she talking about? / sobre o que ela está falando? 2 perto de, nas imediações de, junto a. I lost my wallet about here / perdi minha carteira nas imediações deste lugar. 3 em redor de, em volta de. she had her sweater about her shoulder / ela tinha a blusa em volta dos ombros. 4 prestes a, disposto a, a ponto de. he is about to go / ele está prestes a partir. 5 ocupado com, interessado em. while you are about the cooking, you can look after the baby / enquanto você está ocupado com a cozinha, pode tomar conta do bebê. about as high quase tão alto. all about em toda parte. do you know what you are about? você sabe o que pretende fazer? você conhece as dificuldades a enfrentar? go about your own business não se importe com as coisas alheias. how about a glass of wine? que tal um copo de vinho? I am about sick of it coll já estou farto disto! it is somewhere about the place está por aí. left about! meia-volta à esquerda! much noise about nothing muita gritaria por nada. right about! meia-volta à direita! she had no money about her ela não tinha dinheiro consigo. she is about the garden ela está em qualquer lugar do jardim. to be about something tratar de alguma coisa, fazer alguma coisa. to come about acontecer, realizar-se. to go about andar para lá e para cá, vaguear. to go about something ter a intenção de fazer alguma coisa. to hang about ficar à toa. to lie about estar espalhado, estar em desordem. to take turns about fazer alguma coisa por turno.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > about

  • 3 just

    I adjective
    1) (right and fair: not favouring one more than another: a fair and just decision.) justo
    2) (reasonable; based on one's rights: He certainly has a just claim to the money.) justo
    3) (deserved: He got his just reward when he crashed the stolen car and broke his leg.) justo
    - justness II adverb
    1) ((often with as) exactly or precisely: This penknife is just what I needed; He was behaving just as if nothing had happened; The house was just as I'd remembered it.) exatamente
    2) ((with as) quite: This dress is just as nice as that one.) exatamente
    3) (very lately or recently: He has just gone out of the house.) há pouco
    4) (on the point of; in the process of: She is just coming through the door.) justamente
    5) (at the particular moment: The telephone rang just as I was leaving.) no momento em que
    6) ((often with only) barely: We have only just enough milk to last till Friday; I just managed to escape; You came just in time.) justamente
    7) (only; merely: They waited for six hours just to get a glimpse of the Queen; `Where are you going?' `Just to the post office'; Could you wait just a minute?) só, apenas
    8) (used for emphasis, eg with commands: Just look at that mess!; That just isn't true!; I just don't know what to do.) simplesmente
    9) (absolutely: The weather is just marvellous.) absolutamente
    - just now - just then

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > just

  • 4 should

    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.) havia de
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.) devia
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.) é provável que
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.) (que) penses, etc.
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.) (se) acontecer, etc.
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).) gostaria de
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.) havia de
    * * *
    [ʃud] 1 ps of shall. 2 modal verb: a) dar conselho, recomendar. you should always obey your parents / você deveria sempre obedecer seus pais. b) expressar arrependimento. I should have studied german / eu deveria ter estudado alemão. c) pedir permissão, informação, conselho. should we tell her the truth? / devemos contar-lhe a verdade?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > should

  • 5 should

    negative short form - shouldn't; verb
    1) (past tense of shall: I thought I should never see you again.)
    2) (used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc: You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that.)
    3) (used to state that something is likely to happen etc: If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock.)
    4) (used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc: I'm surprised you should think that.)
    5) (used after if to state a condition: If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today.)
    6) ((with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible: I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money).)
    7) (used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising: I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > should

  • 6 time

    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) horas
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) tempo
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) hora
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') tempo
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) altura
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) vez
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) tempo
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) tempo
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) medir o tempo
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) escolher o momento
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again
    * * *
    [taim] n 1 tempo. 2 espaço de tempo, época, período. the time of the action is in the 9th century / Theat a ação se passa no século IX. 3 hora, ocasião, oportunidade, momento. can you tell me the right time? / pode dizer-me que horas são? what time is it? what’s the time? / que horas são? this is no time for joking / agora não é hora para brincadeiras. can he tell the time? / ele já sabe dizer as horas? watch the (your) time / não perca a hora!, não perca a oportunidade! she was near her time / sua hora estava chegando. tell me the time please / por favor, diga-me que horas são. 4 prazo. 5 vez. 6 sl tempo de prisão. he did (his) time / sl ele cumpriu sua pena na cadeia. 7 tempos, condições de vida. 8 Mus tempo, compasso, ritmo. 9 tempo de trabalho. 10 remuneração por certo tempo de trabalho. 11 momento da morte. 12 times vezes, multiplicado por. • vt+vi 1 medir, determinar o tempo, cronometrar. the plane is timed to take off at five / o avião deve levantar vôo às cinco. 2 acompanhar, seguir o tempo ou o ritmo. 3 escolher o momento ou a ocasião. • adj 1 relativo ao tempo. 2 a prazo. all in good time tudo em seu tempo. all that time o tempo todo. a long time since desde muito tempo. apparent time tempo solar. a short time pouco tempo. at all times sempre. at another time outra vez, em outra ocasião. at any time em qualquer tempo, a qualquer hora. at a time de uma vez. at the present time no momento. a time of trouble tempo ruim. at my time of life na minha idade. at no time nunca. at one time a) antes, antigamente. b) ao mesmo tempo. at some time or another qualquer dia (ou hora). at such times nestas ocasiões. at that time aquela vez. at the same time ao mesmo tempo. at times às vezes. bad times tempos desfavoráveis. before one’s time cedo demais. behind the times atrasado, fora de moda, antiquado. behind time atrasado. between times no meio tempo. broken time Com perda de tempo. by that time nesse meio tempo. by the length of time com o tempo, por mais tempo. by the time até lá. by this time agora. close time época vedada à caça. dinner-time hora do jantar. each time/ every time cada vez. for a long time past muito tempo atrás. for a time por um tempo, durante certo tempo. for the first time pela primeira vez. for the time (being) para o momento, por enquanto, sob as atuais circunstâncias. for this time desta vez, para esta vez. from time immemorial desde tempos remotos. from time to time de tempos em tempos. high time na hora. in due time pontual. in good time em tempo, na hora. in its proper time em seu tempo. in the meantime no entretempo, nesse meio tempo. in the nick of time no último momento. in time em tempo, a tempo. in time to come futuramente. in your own good time à hora que lhe convém. just in time ainda em tempo. many a time várias vezes. many times muitas vezes. many were the times that muitas vezes que. mean time tempo médio, hora média. my time of life meu tempo de vida. no time at all tempo muito curto. now of all times justamente agora. once upon a time era uma vez. on time Amer em tempo, a tempo. out of time a) fora de tempo. b) Mus fora do ritmo. prime time horário nobre. quick time a) marcha rápida. b) Sport o melhor tempo. sideral time tempo sideral. solar time tempo solar, tempo verdadeiro. some time about nine mais ou menos às nove horas. some time longer mais algum tempo. standard time hora local. there is a time for everything tudo em seu tempo. the right time a hora exata. these times of ours estes nossos tempos. the time has come/ the time is come chegou a hora. the time of delivery o prazo de entrega. the time of flight o tempo de vôo. the time of operation o tempo de funcionamento. the Times o jornal Times. this long time há muito tempo. this time last year ano passado nesta época. this time next week daqui a oito dias. this time twelve months daqui a um ano. this time two weeks daqui a quinze dias. three times better três vezes melhor. three times three is nine/ three times three are nine três vezes três são nove. time after time/ time and again repetidas vezes, freqüentemente. time and eternity tempo e eternidade. time and space tempo e espaço. time enough tempo suficiente. time is up o tempo passou, o tempo acabou. time out Amer a) tempo livre, intervalo. b) tempo esgotado. time out of memory/ mind desde tempos remotos. time out of mind/ time immemorial tempo imemorável. time past, present and to come tempo passado, presente e futuro. times out of number inúmeras vezes. time will show o tempo mostrará. to beat the time Mus marcar compasso. to be pressed for time estar com pressa. to call time Sport pedir tempo. to have a good time divertir-se. we had a good time / nós nos divertimos muito. to have one’s time aproveitar a vida. to have the time of one’s life divertir-se muito. to keep (good) time acompanhar o passo, acompanhar o ritmo, andar certo (relógio). to kill time matar tempo. to make good time viajar depressa. to mark time marcar passo. to take one’s time não se apressar. to work against time trabalhar contra o relógio. up to that time até então. up to this time até agora. what time? a que horas?, quando? work of time trabalho que toma tempo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > time

См. также в других словарях:

  • just — I [[t]ʤʌ̱st[/t]] ADVERB USES ♦ (Please look at category 25 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) ADV: ADV before v You use just to say that something happened a very short time ago, or is starting to… …   English dictionary

  • enough — e|nough1 W1S1 [ıˈnʌf] adv [always after a verb, adjective, or adverb] 1.) to the degree that is necessary or wanted ▪ Are the carrots cooked enough? ▪ He just hadn t thought enough about the possible consequences. ▪ You can go to school when you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • just — just1 [ dʒʌst ] adverb *** 1. ) used for saying when something happens a ) soon or at a particular time: I can t come now. I m just putting the kids to bed. just now: We re just now beginning to understand how much work this project will be. just …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • enough — 1 /I nVf/ adverb 1 to the necessary degree: Her sentence was light because the judge said she had suffered enough already. | Are the carrots cooked enough? 2 tall/kind/fast etc enough as tall, kind, fast etc as is necessary: I didn t bring a big… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • just — just1 W1S1 [dʒəst strong dʒʌst] adv 1.) exactly ▪ A good strong cup of coffee is just what I need right now. ▪ The house was large and roomy; just right for us. ▪ She looks just like her mother. ▪ Just what do you think you re trying to do? just… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • enough — [[t]ɪnʌ̱f[/t]] ♦ 1) DET: DET n uncount/pl n Enough means as much as you need or as much as is necessary. They had enough cash for a one way ticket... There aren t enough tents to shelter them from the start of the rainy season. ADV: adj/adv ADV,… …   English dictionary

  • just — I UK [dʒʌst] / US adverb *** 1) used for saying when something happens a) soon, or at a particular time I can t come now. I m just putting the children to bed. just now/at the moment/at present: Mr Reynolds is busy just now, but he ll see you… …   English dictionary

  • just — 1 strong / dZVst/ adverb 1 exactly: Thank you. That s just what I need. | The house was large and roomy; just right for us. | She looks just like her mother. 2 only: He s not a thief, just a little boy who likes biscuits. | It ll just take a few… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • about — prep. & adv. prep. 1 a on the subject of; in connection with (a book about birds; what are you talking about?; argued about money). b relating to (something funny about this). c in relation to (symmetry about a plane). d so as to affect (can do… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Just-in-time (business) — Just in time (JIT) is an inventory strategy implemented to improve the return on investment of a business by reducing in process inventory and its associated carrying costs. In order to achieve JIT the process must have signals of what is going… …   Wikipedia

  • Just Can't Get Enough: New Wave Hits of the '80s — is a series of compilations issued by Rhino Records, on both CD and audio cassette, featuring various artists from the new wave era 1979 1985. The series contained 15 volumes. The first five were released on 21 June 1994, volumes 6 10 on 18… …   Wikipedia

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